About Pennine Megagames
Pennine Megagames is a diverse group of gamers who run megagames in the north of England. Themes include historical, science fiction and fantasy to cater for a broad audience. For an introduction to megagames, please check here.
Megagames grew in popularity following the 2014 video by gaming group Shut Up and Sit Down of a megagame called Watch The Skies. Their account of the day humanity responded to alien invasion set the ball rolling as more games were promptly set up around the world. Pennine Megagames was established in July 2015, following the successful 'Don't Panic 2' World War 2 alternate history game, which took place in Manchester, after discussions with London-based group Megagame Makers. We have a very active Facebook Group, where discussions about future and past games take place, as well as general conversation about the hobby, We also run regular meetups to discuss and playtest the games we run, as well as playing boardgames and wargames. For more information about those meetings, see Pennine Planners. Pennine Megagames is run on a not-for-profit basis, with designers owning their games fully. Monies accruing from running games go to the game designer, less administration and production costs. |