A guest game run by Jim Wallman at the St Thomas Centre, Manchester, 20 August 2016
Megagaming meets a certain RPG, formerly published by TSR...
The King of Yendor has been receiving continual complaints about 'things' issuing from some ancient catacombs in a remote part of the kingdom. The reduction in tax revenue has caused plans for a new palace to be put on hold and the cry has been heard, 'Something must be done!' It is clear that those old dungeons under the ruined castle needs cleaning out. Send a group of half a dozen heroes and a mage you say? No. This Is Yendor. Send the whole King's Army to sort it out. What could possibly go wrong?
The King of Yendor has been receiving continual complaints about 'things' issuing from some ancient catacombs in a remote part of the kingdom. The reduction in tax revenue has caused plans for a new palace to be put on hold and the cry has been heard, 'Something must be done!' It is clear that those old dungeons under the ruined castle needs cleaning out. Send a group of half a dozen heroes and a mage you say? No. This Is Yendor. Send the whole King's Army to sort it out. What could possibly go wrong?